Our Guide to Beautiful Eye Make Up Color

Our Guide to Beautiful Eye Make Up Color

The key to beautiful eye make up color is not just choosing the right colors but it also includes choosing make up for your eye color, your eye make up style, the eye make up designs you choose, and of course the correct application.

As you are probably aware eye make up application takes practice and you will probably need to experiment to find out what eye make up designs and what eye make up style suits you.

You eye make up application will include mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow, and knowing how to apply these correctly and how to choose the right make up for your eye color will help you to discover the true secrets to beautiful eye make up color.

4 Steps to Beautiful Eye Make Up Color

These 4 steps will help you to achieve the look you desire for your eye make up.

1. Choosing the right eye shadow

Choosing the right eye shadow can sometimes be a matter of taste. Eye shadows come in cream and powder types. Powder is most suited to people with oily skin. Cream eye shadow is ideal for younger skin as it will sink into wrinkles and be dissolved in oily skin. If you have uneven skin tone an eye make up concealer should be applied before your eye shadow. The best eye make up concealer is one that makes your skin tone.

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2. Choosing the right color eye shadow

Getting the color of your eye shadow right is the best way to achieve beautiful eye make up color. Browns are generally used for daytime as these are natural colors Papua. For evening wear and social occasions you can choose a shade to match the clothes you are wearing. When choosing make up for your eye color, you should never choose the color of your eyes as this will not draw attention to your eyes and will have the opposite effect.

3. Eyeliner Application

Your eyeliner will help to accentuate your eye shadow so it is imperative that you get this right. Eye pencil is the most commonly used, although it does not last as long as the liquid form. For a younger looking eye make up style you could opt for a brownish colored eyeliner rather than traditional black. Your eyeliner should go the whole way along your eyes but should not exceed them.

4. Using Mascara to Frame

The final step in creating beautiful eye make up color is your mascara. This can make your eyes really look beautiful and can create an illusion of dark, long eyelashes. Mascara comes is many different colors with the most common being black. As with eyeliner, if you wish to achieve a softer more natural look, you should opt for brown colored mascara.

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Using these tips not only will you achieve beautiful eye make up color but you will also look radiant in the process.