What To Know About Prevention And Treatment For Blisters

What To Know About Prevention And Treatment For Blisters

We often think that blisters on our feet are painful skin irritations that will occur anywhere on our body where the clothes or something else is rubbed against it. You should know that there are different blister conditions, and while some may just sting, some might be unbearable. So, if you have any feet problems, you should contact the one of the best practice that offers podiatry in Sydney like ModPod Podiatry.

It is true that blisters will form on parts of the body where something is rubbed against it, which is why we usually have blisters after wearing uncomfortable foot wear. You need to pay attention to your skin and take precautions if you want to prevent them from appearing again.

Different ways to prevent chafing:

  1. Protect your feet – one way to prevent blisters from forming on your feet is to wear moisture-wicking or nylon socks. If you wear one pair of socks and it does not help, try wearing two of them to protect your skin.

There are different socks you can wear to help you avoid getting blisters

  1. Wear the right clothes – it is very important that you have the proper clothes and footwear during any kind of physical activity, and you should also consider wearing loose-fitting and moisture-wicking clothes. Avoid clothes that are made from cotton.
  2. Soft bandages – for the problematic areas, such as feet or thighs, you can always use adhesive moleskin or some other soft bandages that you find helpful.
  3. Apply petroleum jelly or powder to the problematic areas – this will help reduce the friction when your skin rubs against clothes or together.
  4. Stop forcing it – if you are experiencing pain or discomfort and your skin starts to turn red, you should stop the activity you are doing immediately, or you might eventually get a blister. If you can’t resolve the issue alone, visit a podiatrist Sydney CBD like ModPod Podiatry.
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If you still get a blister, you need to be patient and the best thing you can do is leave it alone. Most blisters will disappear ion their own and heal in about one or two weeks. Do not resume the activity that caused a blister until your blister is completely healed. To treat the blister, the dermatologists will usually recommend one of the following below:

Blisters can be quite a pain if you do not treat them

  • Cover the blister; this means that you should loosely cover your blister with a bandage. Sides of the bandage should not be too far apart, so that the middle will be loose enough.
  • Keep that area clean and covered; this should be obvious, but if you have a blister, you need to keep it as bacteria free as possible. Wash the area with soap, and apply some petroleum jelly.
  • Do not pop or drain the blister; if you pop, drain or remove the top skin of the blister, it may cause infection, not to mentioned that the blister might become inflamed and infected.
  • Use padding; the area where your blister is can be very sensitive, and you should protect it, which is why you need to use padding. Cut the padding into a shape of a donut, which will allow you to place it around the blister, and that will not allow the blister to touch anything while you walk. Then you should cover the blister with a bandage.
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Final Word

Blisters are quite common, and usually women are the ones who get them on their feet the most. This is caused by improper or uncomfortable footwear, which is why if you intend to spend the whole day in one pair of shoes, you should probably consider having your feet measured.